  Development Progress
Mitra Line
  Social Education




Mitra Line

What is Counselling?
Counselling is a process by which clients are assisted in self-recognition, self-acceptance, self-appreciation, and self-respect, in order to cope with their life's predicaments, and to reach their individual potential.

The counseling process is not to give conclusions or suggestions to clients, nor interpret their behavior, nor analyse their potential. Counselling is emphatic listening, respecting clients and comprehending their viewpoints.

Counselling Aims
•  To create lasting change by assisting clients to bravely face life's predicaments.
•  To have a positive influence on the well being of the people by helping them improve their family life.

Mitra Line Counselling
•  Telephone Counselling Hotline
•  Face to Face Counselling
•  E-Counselling
•  Letter-writing Counselling

Telephone Counselling Hotline
•  Counselling by empathic listening and feedback
•  Transfer to an appropriate external society if necessary.

Face to Face Counselling
Counselling is provided based on the type of person:
- Children
- Teenagers
- Individual adult
- Married couple
- Family

How to make an appointment for Face to Face Counselling:
Please call 04-6451141 and make an appointment for face to face counselling. ‘Walk in' is not encouraged for this type of counseling service. This service is provided free of charge.

E-Counselling is provided through the Internet via emails. While not as effective as face to face counselling, it provides those with a heavy time schedule or who wish to remain anonymous the opportunity for counselling.
Email address:

Letter-writing Counselling
Letter-writing counselling is similar to E-Counselling; the difference being that this is done through correspondence. All correspondence is kept private and confidential.

Please send your correspondence to the following address:

Than Hsiang Mitra Welfare Centre
3-4C, Tingkat Kenari,
Taman Desaria,
Sungai Ara,
11900 Pulau Pinang.



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