  Development Progress
Mitra Line
  Social Education





Than Hsiang Mitra Welfare Centre is the social welfare service group sponsored by the Than Hsiang Fund to translate the spirit of boundless humanity and compassion into action.

The Centre provides three types of service, namely Counseling through Mitra Line, Welfare Service (Case Management of the people who are in need of different dynamics of help) through the Welfare Group, and Education through the Social Education Group.


We seek to promote social education and provide empathic assistance to any individual or family in need of surmounting life's predicaments and help them to live a harmonious family life in society.


•  To promote social education in order to develope an individual's self-potential and build up a harmonious family life.
•  To provide empathic assistance to individuals and families in surmounting life's predicaments.
•  To be self-reliant and self-help.
•  To enhance the effectiveness of the Welfare programmes through Case Management Service Method.
•  To improve the volunteers' service concept and morale.
•  To inculcate spontaneity in volunteerism and sense of fulfillment in the volunteer's self-development.
•  To increase volunteers' teamwork spirit and a sense of belonging with the Centre.
•  To strengthen the social networking system and to enhance links with other societies and case assistance resources.
•  To self-educate and self-improve through helping others.



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