Filial Piety Dharma Assembly

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流程表 Programme
时间 Time
活动 Events
17.8.2012(五Friday) 农历七月初一日
7.30 p.m. 洒净仪式 Cleansing Ceremony
8.00 p.m. 共修《八十八佛大忏悔文》Chanting of 88 Buddhas Great Repentance
18.8.2012(六Sat)~25.8.2012(六Sat) 农历七月初二日至初九日
10.45 a.m. 延生坛及净土坛回向 Transference of Merits
8.00 p.m. 共修《阿弥陀佛》Chanting of Amitabha Sutra
佛法开示 Dharma Teaching
26.08.2012(日 Sunday) 农历七月初十日
9.00 a.m. 念佛共修 Buddha Name Recitation
10.00 a.m. 念佛共修 Buddha Name Recitation
11.00 a.m. 佛前大供 Grand Offering to the Buddha
12.00 p.m. 午斋 Lunch
1.00 p.m. 中峰国师三时系念佛事 Three Sessions of Pureland Chanting
6.00 p.m. 法会圆满 Dharma Assembly Ends