Submitted by Ah Jin on
The students from IBC had been participating in its annual dharma lecture to various part of Malaysia to thank the public for their support in the past, and without exception, the Lecture tour for this year commenced from 10th until 20th of April 2008.
Besides conveying their appreciation and gratitude for your support, the college would also keep the public informed of its latest activities. It also provided us an opportunity to recruit Malaysian students for the new academic year.
IBC was established under the private education acts of Thailand education ministry. The courses offered are recognized by the government of Thailand. Currently, it is offering two four- year BA programmes:
1. Bachelor of Arts in Buddhist Thoughts
2. Bachelor of Arts in Scriptural language and Literature.
The courses incorporate philosophy studies, multi-national Buddhist culture and history.
IBC embraces all the major Buddhist traditions of Theravada and Mahayana in its curriculums. Besides providing an opportunity for academic pursuit in a modern context, it also provides an excellent center for spiritual cultivation.
Ven. Wei Wu, the founder of IBC subscribed to the conviction that “for a country to be strong, the education of the people plays a vital role”. Likewise, the future of Buddhism also depends on the quality of dharma propagators that we produce. In line with this conviction, the Venerable has undertaken the monumental task of founding the Buddhist college for the propagation of Buddha’s sasana.
IBC officially started its courses in October 2004. Current students comprising both ordained and laities from Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Malaysia, Nepal, South Korea Bhutan, Ireland, USA and Thailand, and are fully sponsored by the college.
Currently, the teaching staffs consist of lecturers from China, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Singapore, Belgium and Thailand.
Presently, the college offers both BA, and Postgraduate programmes in English and Chinese medium. In the near future, we will also offer courses in secular education such as: pre-education, counseling and geriatric nursing.
This year’s Dharma Duta tour covered Penang, Kuala Lumpur, Sabah and Sarawak. The Dharma speakers include Ven. Wei Wu, Ven. Zhen Guang, Ven. Lee Rajana, Ven. Dhammodaya and Bro. Zhu Xiao Ning.
The venues in Penang were at Komplex Penyayang and Than Hsiang Temple; Kuala Lumpur at Tham Wah Yuan and Pear International Hotel; Sabah in Tzer Ying temple, Sandakan Buddhist mission, and Tawau Maha Bodhi Society; and Sarawak at Miri Buddhist Society, Kuching city south Auditorium and Kuching Buddhist Society Meditation Hall. The titles of the lectures are: “ Let go, let go.. , let go….” , “Buddhist outlook on life”, “Zen and Chinese Culture”, “Buddhism for social action—personal experience”, and “let’s follow the Buddha’s path” ; in both English and Chinese medium.
Finally, we are pleased to report that the Dharma Duta tour has successfully once again shared and disseminated the Dharma - the teaching of the Buddha to all those who came to joined us in our talks ; besides updating them on IBC’s recent progress and development which would not be possible without their unstinting support.