Submitted by zhenliang on

In line with the Chinese tradition of remembering the departed and honouring one’s ancestors, Than Hsiang Temple held its annual Qingming dharma assembly, featuring the three-session recitation of Amitabha chanting, on 30th of March 2008 ( Sunday) from 1pm to the Multi-purpose hall.
Ven Wei Wu, the abbot of the temple led the day’s three-session chanting and also presented a dharma talk for the benefit of the participants. The venerable also conducted the transference of merits to all departed, sentient beings and karmic creditors; that all may be reborn in the Pureland and that peace and prosperity would prevail in the world.
The temple had set up a Pureland altar for the blessing of one’s ancestors, karmic creditors and departed beings. All proceeds received to be channeled towards the Phor Tay high school’s relocation and building fund.
Ven. Wei Wu explained that the Qingming festival is not a Buddhist festival , but it is assimilated by Chinese Buddhism as it inculcates the culture of filial piety in keeping with the Buddha’s teaching of worshipping the parents, an entrenched feature of Buddhist culture and heritage.
As regards to the origin of Qingming festival, Ven. narrated that during the Spring and Autumn dynasty of China, Chong Er, the duke of the state of Jin was in exile and almost died of hunger . His personal friend and minister, Jie Zhitui , saved his life by feeding him with his own flesh. Eventually Chong Er regained his throne and rewarded all who had helped him in time of distress. Jie Zhitui declined the offer of reward and went into the hill with his mother to lead a secluded life. In the hope of making Jie Zhitui return to him, Chong Er set fire to the hill. Unfortunately Jie Zhitui and his mother were burnt to death. Chong Er was so filled with remorse that he decreed that for three days starting from the eve of Qingming, people were not allowed to use fire to heat up food, thus nicknaming the cold food festival (Hanshi). In remembrance of Jie Zhitui, the day after his death was named as Qingming festival.
By organizing the annual Qingming Dharma assembly it is hoped that we can promote the culture of filial piety . For those whose parents are still alive, we must take good care of their material and spiritual needs, and help them to build up their faith in their religious practice. For the deceased parents, we can help by participating in the three-session Amitabha chanting and through the transference of merits, we pray that they may be reborn in the Pureland.
Ven. further explained the meaning of the three-session chanting. The session refers to the three periods of morning, mid-noon and evening . The chanting involves the body action, speech and mental concentration when reciting the Amitabha sutra.
The three-session chanting is not only meant for the blessing of the departed. It is equally applicable to the livings.
The first session explains the wholesomeness and the absence of suffering in the Pureland. Understanding the dharma is the understanding of oneself because it tells us that the root causes of our suffering are greed, anger and delusion. Failure to realize our ignorance has thus led us to countless rebirth in the samsaric realms.
Therefore if we purify our mind by constant recitation of the name of Amitabha and with the three essential ingredients of liberation: faith, vows and practice firmly established, we would, with calmness and clarity of mind, enter the Pureland when we face death.
The second session explains that Pureland exists in our mind, and all sentient beings possess the innate Buddha nature but it is blurred and covered by our ignorance. We distinguish the deluded from the enlightened by their failure to understand the dharma.
The third session underscores the benefits of chanting the names of Amitabha , the power of recitation would in time eradicate all defilements and deliver the practitioners from suffering.
The day witnessed the crowd in the hall engaged in their wholehearted chanting of Amitabha, penitent service and the sharing of the dharma, making the occasion a joyous and blissful experience.