Submitted by zhenliang on

About 70 devotees attended the Pu Fo ( 普佛) session or the Amitabha Prayer for the deceased on the morning of 22 July 2007 at Than Hsiang Temple's Da Yuan Dian. The chanting ceremony is normally held on the 47th day after the passing away of the deceased. However all were welcomed to chant and transfer the merits gained to their departed so that they would be reborn in the Pure Land during the Pu Fo.
The participants gathered at the Hall of Great Compassion (Da Bei Dian) at 11.00am and Venerable Zhen Xin briefed them on the programme of Pu Fo and advised all to chant the Amitabha Sutra at home and transfer merits to the deceased whenever they could find the time. “One should maintain single mindedness and have steadfast faith in Amitabha Buddha when chanting his name” advised Venerable Zhen Xin.
The session began with the offering of incense and the praise to all Buddha, Dharma and Sangha of the ten directions; followed by homage to the past, present and future Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. The assembly then proceeded in double file to Da Yuan Dian, while chanting the name of Amitabha Buddha. Though Da Yuan Dian was packed to the brink, the participants were engrossed in the wholehearted chanting of the Amitabha Sutra with undivided concentration and devotion. Thus the transfer of the merits gained through the faith, vows and meritorious deeds by the participants would assure the departed of finding their spiritual destination in the Pure Land . The session ended at 12 noon after taking Refuge in the Triple Gem and transference of merits.