Bathing the Buddha Ceremony for Than Hsiang Kindergarten

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By Tan Kim Nai

Every year during Wesak, the Bathing the Buddha Ceremony is specially organised for the Than Hsiang Kindergarten. This year, this Ceremony was held thrice, namely at TASKA Than Hsiang on Tuesday, 24 April 2007, Tadika Than Hsiang on Wednesday, 25 April 2007 and Tadika Cendana Than Hsiang on 27 April 2007.

Venerable Zhen Ru led the three ceremonies, begining with the chanting of the Hymn of Praise followed by the Heart Sutra and the Bathing Buddha Gatha. While the Bathing the Buddha Gatha was being chanted, Venerable Zhen Ru initiated the ceremony by ladling three scoops of scented water over the Tathagata statue and the children, their parents, Ai Xin Mamas and teachers followed suit.

After the ceremony, Venerable Zhen Ru gave a Dharma talk on the significance of the ceremony. He said the purpose of bathing the Buddha was a reminder to wash away the three poisons of greed, hatred and ignorance. In order to attain happiness, we need to cease doing evil, learn to do good deeds and have good thoughts was Venerable Zhen Ru's advice.

Venerable Zhen Ru was very happy that the children were able to recite the “Ten Good Deeds” fluently and reminded the children to put the Ten Good Deeds into practice. He adviced the children to be obedient when young and to be good when they grow up. He reminded the children to show gratitude to the teachers and seek the teachers' guidance whenever in doubt.

Venerable Zhen Ru then invited parents to attend the Merit and Wisdom Nite to be held on 30 April 2007. He also urged the children to come with their whole family to witness the lighting of the LED candles on that special night.

After the Transfer of Merits, Venerable Zhen Ru, Venerable Zhen Chan an Venerable Zhen Yuan had a little get-together with the children. To the children's delight, they sang songs, shook hands and some even hugged the Venerable Sirs. To pay their respects to the teachers, the children echoed “Amituofo”.
At the Tadika Than Hsiang, the senior citizens of Wang Ching Yuen Centre also joined the children in the afternoon session of the Bathing the Buddha Ceremony. Venerable Zhen Ru reminded everyone that the ceremony symbolised the washing away the impurities of our inner selves and purification of our hearts and minds.
