Submitted by zhenliang on

Camps for primary school students of age 10 to 12 had been held annually in Than Hsiang Temple for many years now. These camps had grown from an initial 60 children to 264 for this year's camp and the number doesn't seem to be abating! Venerable Zhen Xin and the Than Hsiang Youth Group are to be congratulated for the success of these camps.
This year's theme for the camp was “Appreciation” and the children were taught to love their parents and to inculcate gratitude for their parents. Activities for the camp were thus geared towards this theme of getting the children to have appreciation for their parents.
The children were told a story of a boy enjoying a swing tied to the branches of a tree. When he wanted wood, the tree let him cut from its trunk. Later he forgot about the tree until he was old and tired. Even then, the tree gave him shade and a place to rest. The children were told that the tree was like their parents. Their parents gave them shelter and made them happy when young. Whatever they wanted their parents provided for them. Then when they got older they forgot about their parents. Even then their parents still loved them.
Another activity showed the children that when they quarreled with their siblings, it hurt their parents' feelings and made their parents feel as if they didn't know how to care for their children. This was superbly acted out by the Youth Group in the dark with just their voices telling the story with great emotion. When the lights came on, many of the children were seen crying. The children were then given hand towels to show their appreciation for their parents by wiping their parents' faces. It was quite an emotional and touching scene with many parents and their children breaking out in tears and hugging each other.
In the three days and two nights, the children were kept busy with many activities, such as games, singing, chanting, and listening to dharma talks. They also learnt how to prostrate properly and how to take refuge in the Triple Gems of Buddha, Dharma and Sangha. It was quite a learning experience for the children and it is hoped they would return home with renewed love and appreciation for their parents and be loving and sharing with their siblings.
It was quite a challenging task for the organizers to run a camp for 264 children and this would not have come about without the great help rendered by the Ai Xin Brothers and Sisters, Ai Xin Fathers and Mothers and other helpers. Thanks to their help, the camp was a resounding success.