Submitted by thpajam on

Beginning of year 2006 TH were invited to provide dharma sharing to the National Services PLKN. The services starts with Millenium branch in Beranang, Selangor lead by Ven Zhen Yuen and some of the dharma brothers and sisters coming from Kuala Lumpur, Petaling Jaya, States of Negeri Sembilan catering for both in and out camp weekly.
Today our services are extended to PLKN Mantin, PLKN Tanjung Tuah, PLKN PDS. There are three series per camp with a total of approximately 600 students per year. Below are some students sharing reports.
NS Students Sharings:
from Ching Hui Lin NS Millenium Camp, Beranang Batch 2-2008
[My learning from the Dharma course of Than Hsiang really open my eyes and remind me about life. I’m really happy, they (the dharma sisters and brothers) are very friendly. I feel loved and at home because the ns trainers are not understanding at all unlike the dharma brothers and sisters. For me who is English educated, hope to have explain the class in more English but I won’t give up learning Buddhism. I love the dharma songs they are very touching. The food makes me consider about being a vegetarian. ]
from Joanne Yap Kar Yin NS Millenium Camp, Beranang Batch 2-2008
[I learn more about myself, I learn how to appreciate my own life and also people around me. My feeling is to continue striving towards my own goal and never give up anytime anywhere. I like the dharma songs and food prepared for us. Dharma brothers and sisters are very friendly.]
from Lim Ken Po NS Millenium Camp, Beranang Batch 2-2008
[I have learnt from the Dharma classes that we shouldn’t be so selfish and to help others whenever we can. ]
from Aw Lee Mei NS Millenium Camp, Beranang Batch 1-2008
[I learnt a lot about Buddha that I do not know before. I felt purer in state of mind and gain peace at heart. ]
from Teoh Ee Lin NS Millenium Camp, Beranang Batch 1-2008
[I have learned how to chant, the verses of chanting and also the various stages of Buddhism. I also learned how to be greatful for what we have and to avoid bad influences. I think that there is too little time for us to actually go in detailed version of Buddhism but I’ve learned a lot here and I’ll try to keep all these lessons in mind when I go home. I think we should have more outdoor activities compared to indoor activities. Brothers and sisters are really dedicated and well-mannered. They didn’t raise voice although we’re noisy. I take this opportunity to apologize for not being attentive.]
From Tang Kee Lee NS Millenium Camp, Beranang Batch 1-2008
[ Learn to appreciate our family and friends. Respect elderly. Learn to love one and another. I also learned that abortion and drug are bad and can destroy ourself as well as future. My feeling is relax, clam. My thinking is positive, good toughts.]