Submitted by Ah Jin on

The 2008 labour day (1st of May) is memorable to Than Hsiang Temple as the day witnessed the official opening of its new canteen, vegetarian restaurant and articles shop as well as the 14th anniversary of Wan Chin Yan , the senior citizens home, by Ven. Wei Wu.
The double celebration attracted about 100 guests who also joined the 50 plus inmates in Ta Pei Tian (the great compassion hall) commemorating the 14th anniversary of its founding.
For the past two months, Than Hsiang Temple has undergone extensive renovation to upgrade its services. The vegetarian canteen is relocated to the area sandwiched between Ta Pei Tian and the multi-storey building. The old canteen has been partition to convert into a vegetarian restaurant and an article shop cum tea- house.
The upgrading is necessary to generate revenue to meet increased demand on the welfare and educational activities of the temple and in line with the temple policy to make all activities self-sustainable financially. Ven. Wei Wu conducted the cleansing ceremony for the new outlets.
In his opening speech, Ven. Wei Wu stressed the importance of showing our love and concern for the senior citizen besides providing monetary and material support. Our aging population has made this aspect even more relevant and urgent.
Bro. Chan Kean Teong,chairman of Wan Chin Yan, reported that although the celebration has been scaled down this year, we still uphold our conviction on affection and filial piety duty to our senior citizens. He also informed that the new van fitted with hydraulic jack will be arrive in June and thanks all donors for their support. Effective from Jan 2008 the name of Wan Chin Yan has also changed to Wan Chin Yan Welfare association. A new branch at Sungai Ara will be ready by mid-May to take in new senior citizens, albeit a monthly charge will levy.
He thanked Ven Wei Wu for his guidance, the Wan Chin Yan staff and volunteers for their dedication and looked forward to continue making Wan Chin Yan a happy, big family.
Than Hsiang volunteers also demonstrated how to make Enzymes at the new Vegetarian restaurant in the morning.