Submitted by zhenliang on

An exhilarating two-week Dhammaduta Tour of Malaysia and Singapore
Returned exhilarated and extremely happy with the tour, mission accomplished on engaging and meeting the Malaysian and Singaporean friends in Dhamma on Buddhadhamma development, especially on Buddhist Education and social welfare work.
The Tour, multinational and multitraditional in composition, a diversity typical of IBC, led by Venerable Wei Wu, began in Penang; swung through Kedah and Perak to the south into Singapore; and back up north through Johore, Melaka, Negeri Sembilan, Kuala Lumpur and Selangor to headquarters in Penang and International Buddhist College in Souhthern Thailand, all within 15 days. Wherever they went, Dhamma talks were given and experience shared with friends in Dhamma of Theravada and Mahayana traditions in centres spread throughout Malaysia and Singapore.
Throughout the trip, religious services were conducted and partcipated in; visits were made to Buddhist centres of learning and social welfare work; actively engaging and exchanging experiences with all friends in Dhamma on Buddhadharma work; familiarising each and everyone met with the programs, activities and progress of International Buddhist College; meeting with Buddhadhamma masters of the region, including the 100 year-young Most Venerable Zen Master Bo Yuen of Malaysia.