Submitted by zhenliang on

I could still remember that a week ago, I was staring vacantly at home as I had just returned for my semester break. My mum approached me and told me about this Seven Day Amitabha Recitation Retreat ( 精進佛七 ). I just packed my bag and made my way here, without much consideration about what the weeklong life in Than Hsiang would be like.
Now, I am really glad that I had decided to come. Throughout these seven days I have learnt a lot; not only how to live life as a whole, but that life is transient. This makes every second precious, so I should not waste it. I have also learnt to recite the Buddha's name whole-heartedly.
Venerable Wei Wu told us that if we diligently follow the Recitation with full concentration, we would experience a spiritual bliss like that of a pot of water boiling over. Sad to say that my pot of water did not boil as it should, however, I guess it did at least heat up. I shall work harder on this and make full use of Venerable Wei Wu's dharma talks to us. I shall try my best to apply them in life in the hope that I shall be able to attain Buddhahood.
Lastly, I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and everyone who had helped to prepare our meals and saw to our daily needs. I would also like to thank all the Shifus who taught us a lot, including the Dharma.
Honestly, it has been a great week and I managed to pick up quite a lot of new Mandarin words. I look forward to the opportunity of attending another activity like this in future.