Submitted by zhenliang on

TASKA Than Hsiang BPJ held their first Parents Day on 23 June 2007 . The teachers were there early in the morning although the event was slated for 10.00am . All of them were well prepared with the children's report books and craft files. It was just as well the teachers came early as a number of parents arrived early too and they took the opportunity to look round the TASKA before meeting with the teachers for the reports on their children's progress at the TASKA.
A Than Hsiang team came from Penang around 10.00am to assist and advise the teachers who were first timers in conducting the Parents Day. Most of the parents turned up and patiently waited for their turn to meet the teachers. The Sunflower Class showed 100% attendance (fantastic) while Strawberry House showed 98% attendance (wonderful). Nursery Gold had 96% attendance (great), while the five year old class Bumble Bee had 98% attendance (wow) followed by Pink Panther with 97% attendance (marvelous). This was definitely an encouraging response from the parents!
The parents were very happy with the crafts that their children created during the school days. They praised their children and promised them a present for their good efforts at school.
The TASKA Parents Day successfully concluded around 12.30pm . All the parents gave good feedbacks and these opened a very good communication channel between the parents and the teachers. The teachers certainly looked forward to a closer rapport with the parents in teaching the children.