Submitted by zhenliang on

A Visit to the St Joseph’s Orphanage by the Than Hsiang Sunday Dharma School Students
– Chinese Ezine Issue 99 16/06/2007
Urged on by Venerable Zhen Xin's exhortation to “transform our joy and bliss into caring actions and share the gift of love with the others” the Than Hsiang Sunday Dharma School students, accompanied by their foster parents, began their half-day journey of love aboard two chartered school buses.
Their destination: the St Joseph 's Orphanage
Their objective: to inculcate & develope the virtues of generosity, gratitude and concern for the less fortunate.
On arrival at the orphanage, it was learnt that the orphans were preoccupied with their morning prayers, so the visit was rescheduled and the school buses headed for a nearby park to allow the children to have some fun and games. Through intermingling with the children, the chaperones enjoyed reminiscing their childhood days going down memory lanes. Everyone had their pre-packed lunch in the open field. It was a good opportunity for the students to demonstrate the spirit and practice of what they had learned on environmental protection. The children made sure that all paper plates, empty water bottles and unwanted rubbish were collected in rubbish bags and brought back to the temple for discard.
Finally, the students arrived at St Joseph at around11.00am and were warmly greeted by about 50 orphans. Soon laughter and joy filled the air as both groups of children got to know one another and indulge in their games and songs. Later the Sunday Dharma School children distributed the gifts they brought to the orphans. It gladdened the heart to see the happiness on the faces of the orphans when they received their presents.
All too soon it was time to leave. The fostered parents gave each and every orphan a warm hug and with the students saying their reluctant good byes, everyone headed for the buses for going home. The orphans need not feel lonely and sad as long as there are those who will spare some thought of love and care for them! Let's pray for the little Bodhisattvas' well-being and health.