Submitted by zhenliang on

The final leg of Venerable Hui Ming‘s Dharma tour, coupled with a concert, was jointly organized by fifteen Buddhist organisations of Northern Peninsular Malaysia on 10 June 2007 at the Dewan Tunku of Universiti Sains Malaysia. The event, held in aid of Phor Tay High School relocation and building fund, was a tremendous success.
The total fund raised amounted to RM410,000.00, which exceeded the targeted figure of RM300,000.00. This reflects the strong rapport of the Chinese Buddhist community that has rallied behind the organizing committee in support of this institution of Chinese education and one with a strong Buddhist background.
Though there was a slight drizzle before the event, the turnout for the Bodhi Nite and Concert was extremely encouraging. The Dewan Tunku had a seating capacity of 1,800 and that night, it was almost filled to capacity by 8.00pm . The night began with Venerable Wei Wu, the Abbot of Than Hsiang Temple, giving the welcoming speech. He thanked Venerable Hui Ming, YB Datuk Teng Hock Nam , the donors, the organizers and all those who had contributed in one way or another for a good cause and in making the fund raising dharma tour a success. Two local enthusiastic soloist preceded Venerable Hui Ming's Dharma lecture with the rendition of a couple of Dharma hymns which won the loud applause of the audience. After the rendition, donors with contributions between RM1,000.00 to RM3,000.00 were invited to go up on stage to perform the gong hitting and drumming ceremony.
Venerable Hui Ming then gave his Dharma lecture entitled “Self sufficiency with infinite Bodhi.” He went on to explain the meaning of Bodhi. Briefly, Bodhi, which is derived from the root “Budh”, has five meanings:
1. to awake
2. to penetrate
3. to realize
4. to be aware
5. to enlighten
As usual, Venerable Hui Ming's lecture, while edifying, was also intermixed with humour, much to the delight of the audience. He reiterated the urgency in the cultivation of Bodhi (wisdom) to escape from the endless round of samsara and to reach the realization of Buddhahood.
Another much awaited climax was the rendition of three songs by the well-known special guest artist of international repute, Mr. Ch'ng Sue Chong. An artist of indisputable skill in vocal mastery, he won incessant rounds of applause from the raptured audience.
Before the night was over, donors were again invited to go on stage to light up the two Chinese characters of Phor Tay, the name of the school, which incidentally is the Chinese rendition of the Sanskrit word Bodhi .