Submitted by Mengkeong on

The DHARMA : It is only by following the true value of Buddha’s teaching will ultimately lead you out of samsara! However, we have to do them step by step. Firstly, become decent human beings who avoid unwholesome actions and practice wholesome actions so that we will not go to the lower realms. With these as the foundation, develop renunciation to get out of samsara by practicing different Buddha’s teaching such as following the 4 Noble Truth to gain liberation as an arahant. The pacceka buddha attained liberation through his own effort to gain self-enlightenment. The Boddhisattva attained enlightenment and made a vow to become Samyaksambuddha.
The Buddha believe that all sentient beings have the potentiality to become buddha. In this Universe /galaxies there are other buddhas. The Buddha’s concept of Universe: the Earth is like a small dust. The space is N direction and there is no absolute beginning in time. The Buddha used “infinite” to denote time and space. This is Buddha’s wisdom! His path is clearly passed down for generations primarily by the monastic sangha.
SANGHA means ‘assembly’ or ‘society’
To take refuge in Buddha means we follow the ideal of Buddhahood as the ultimate aim.
To take refuge in dharma means we are committed to track the path that ultimately leads us to Buddhahood.
To take refuge in sangha means we refer to the arya sangha who have gained liberation from samsara. They are in the position to guide us out of samsara. They are different from god worship such as praying to the deities. The only object of refuge we rely on are the triple gem who are the Buddha, His teaching and the holy disciples. As no one is able to see the arahants, therefore in Buddhism, the monastic sangha members are given the responsibility to preserve the Buddha’s teaching.
The Buddha’s image represents the Buddha jewel
The Buddhist scriptures represent the dharma jewel
The monastic sangha members represent the sangha jewel
The refuge taking session
Ven. Wei Wu guided the online participant to recite
Namo Buddhaya – I take refuge in the Buddha
Namo Dharmaya – I take refuge in the dharma
Namo Sanghaya – I take refuge in the sangha
The verses were repeated three times as the first time with our body, second time with our speech and third time with our mind.
Ven. Wei Wu also explained the meaning of taking the five precepts.
1. To abstain from destroying living beings
2. To abstain from taking things not given
3. To abstain from sexual misconduct
4. To abstain from false speech
5. To abstain from taking liquor causing intoxication and heedlessness.
The ceremony ended by dedication of merit by reciting
May the merits accrue from the refuge taking ceremony ultimately lead us to Buddhahood.