Indian Origin of Pureland Buddhism - Professor Stephen Jenkins l 28/01/2023

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Topic: Indian Origin of Pureland Buddhism

Speaker: Professor Stephen Jenkins
Date: Saturday, 28/01/2023
Time: 8:00-9:15pm
Venue: 4th Floor, Than Hsiang Temple

Professor Stephen L Jenkins is a very senior professor in buddhist studies from America. He is now teaching a MA course at IBC. He is also a practitioner.

Stephen Jenkins is Professor of Religious Studies at Humboldt State University. He received his doctorate from Harvard University in 1999. Much of his career has been spent in Asia serving study abroad programs in India, Tibet, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Japan. His research has been primarily focused on Indian Buddhist concepts of compassion, their philosophical grounding, and their ethical implications.

Some recent publications include: “A Review Essay on The Taming of the Demons: Violence and Liberation in Tibetan Buddhism, by Jacob P. Dalton,” Journal of Religion and Violence, forthcoming, 2015; “Waking into Compassion: the Three Ālambana of Karuṇā,” in Moonpaths, Cowherds, Jenkins etc., New York: Oxford University Press, 2015, forthcoming; “Benefit of Self and Other: The Importance of Persons and their Self-Interest in Buddhist Ethics,” Dharma Drum Journal of Buddhist Studies, 2015, forthcoming; “On the Auspiciousness of Compassionate Violence,” Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies, Volume 33, Number 1-2, 2010 (2011), 299-331

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