Submitted by zhenliang on

On a bright Sunday morning in October, eight married couples gathered at Than Hsiang Temple to celebrate their Mass Weddings. One of the couples is Mr. Chuah Joo Jin, the eldest son of our Canteen Manager, Sis Chang Soon Ee, and Mr. Chuah's bride, Ms. Lee Mee Cheun.
The arrival of each couple was greeted by camera flashes as the photographers clicked away at the couples' every movement and pose. After registration of their arrival for the function, the couples were lead to the Hall of Great Compassion for a briefing of the ceremony ahead and what was expected of them. They were then led up to Level 6 of Than Hsiang Temple where the Main Shrine Hall is situated.
There, flower boys and girls dressed in Nonya-Baba costumes led the couples into the Main Shrine Hall in two rows. Venerable Wei Wu, the Abbot of Than Hsiang Temple then entered the Hall and offered incense. The bridal couples followed by paying respects to the Triple Gems and offering flowers.
Venerable Wei Wu gave a short Dharma talk. He said that three conditions are required for a family to be happy, well rounded and complete:
1. Share the same set of fundamental, religious beliefs;
2. Build up mutual respect, love and appreciation for each other; and
3. Learn to encourage, care and be concerned for each other.
If the family members have the same religious beliefs and take part in religious activities together, then the cohesion of that family will become very strong. A family that respects, loves, appreciates, cares, and are concerned for each other is always united and complete.
After his talk, Venerable Wei Wu conducted a blessing service for the eight couples and this was followed by an exchange of gifts between Venerable Wei Wu and each bridal couple. A photography session for the bridal couples and Venerable Wei Wu concluded the ceremony at the Main Shrine Hall.
Everyone proceeded down to the Multi Purpose Hall at Level 5, where tables and chairs and colourful balloons were set up for the banquet. The flower boys and girls again led the bridal couples, this time into the Multi Purpose Hall. These boys and girls in their gorgeous Nonya Baba costumes certainly lent an air of pomp and splendour to the whole affair.
When everyone had sat down, the banquet began with a food presentation, making the banquet a plush affair. The diners were entertained by a couple of singers and the Than Hsiang Choir while they ate. The Chairman of the Mass Wedding Committee, Mr. Liew Kai Wah took the podium to present a speech. Mr. Liew said that the mass Wedding was organised with the aim of promoting a Buddhist Wedding, which is simple compared to the traditional wedding. Hopefully, the public would come to know and appreciate a simple Buddhist Wedding.
The bridal couples then went up the stage to make a vow to cherish and be true to each other and lovingly exchange rings. They followed this with cutting the wedding cake to many flashes as the photographers busily took their photographs. Next, the immediate family members joined the bridal couples up on the stage and they all toasted the bridal couples a happy married life together.
“Yam Seng!”