Submitted by soonchien on

In celebration of the Guanyin Birthday, Than Hsiang Temple held a Three Refuge and Five Precepts ceremony on Sunday, October 20, 2024. A total of 17 devotees made the aspiration to come to Than Hsiang Temple to take refuge in the Three Jewels and received the Five Precepts.
The ceremony started at 2:30 p.m., after the prelude ceremony at the Da Bei Dian.
Under the compassionate guidance of Venerable Zhen Ru, the preceptors respectfully knelt down in front of the Buddha. They sincerely chanted the sutras and undertook the Three Refuge and Five Precepts, in a solemn and dignified atmosphere.
Before administering the Three Refuge and Five Precepts, Venerable Zhen Ru was invited to enlighten the public on the significance of taking the Three Refuges and Five Precepts.
During the Dharma talk, Venerable Zhen Ru emphasized that taking refuge in the Three Jewels—Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha—helps avoid falling into the three lower realms of existence: the Hell Realm, the Hungry Ghost Realm and the Animal Realm, thus leading to liberation and peace. As long as one sincerely takes refuge in the Three Jewels and follows their teachings, one will not fall into the lower realms. This is the protective power of taking refuge in the Three Jewels.
After the Refuge Ceremony came the formal ordination, where the preceptors vowed to observe the Five Precepts: abstaining from killing, stealing, sexual misconduct, false speech, and intoxicants. These precepts form the foundation of our daily practice. The preceptors were led by Venerable Zhen Ru to take the precepts joyfully.
At 4:15 p.m., the taking of the Three Refuges and Five Precepts was completed. Venerable Zhen Ru led the preceptors to recite the Buddha's prayers and transferred the merits to all sentient beings. The ceremony was officially concluded.
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