Than Hsiang Taijiquan Group's Annual Donation Drive to Support Than Hsiang Mitra Welfare Centre

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Reported by: Sis Lyn Foong

It has been the tradition of Than Hsiang Taiji group to collect donations for Than Hsiang Mitra Welfare Centre.

On 29th December 2024, handover of the donation collection was conducted in Than Hsiang Temple Da Bei Dian. Lyn Foong and Kean Peng represented Than Hsiang Taiji group handed over a mock cheque of RM12,620.00 to Sister Tay (representing Mitra Welfare Centre) with the witness of Ven Zhen Nian. Thanks for Taiji members’ generous contributions!

Ven Zhen Nian has been very compassionate to conduct a Dharma sharing session with Taiji members. Sadhu! Sadhu!Sadhu! 感恩!

The ceremony came to a close with a group photo with Ven Zhen Nian and Ms Tay to commemorate the occasion.

Taiji group is committed to participating in the yearly fund-raising event. May everyone be blessed with good health and happiness.

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