Submitted by zhenliang on
A Maha Sanghikadana in conjunction with the Annual General Meeting of the Malaysian Buddhist Sangha Association (M.B.S.A.) was recently held in the Multipurpose Hall of Than Hsiang Temple.
About 350 sangha members from various temples in Malaysia and Thailand attended this important event which is well known among Buddhist of both Theravada and Mahayana traditions. Volunteers who came all the way from Klintiendharm, Haadyai also took part in this auspicious event.
During the week which preceded this momentous event, a series of dharma talks were conducted in Than Hsiang Temple by four acclaimed sangha members. On the 19th of July, the abbot of Than Hsiang Temple, Ven. Wei Wu, gave a talk on the origin of the Ullambana Day. This was then followed by a dharma talk by Ven. Ji Deng on the 20th of July, who spoke on the true essence of cultivation when one pays respect to the Buddha. A dharma talk on why one should offer dana to sangha members was given by Ven. Ji Zun on the 25th of July. On the eve of the Maha Sangikadana, Ven. Boon Keng, the abbot of Ang Hok Si Temple, gave a talk on the importance of ‘Letting Go’ of our attachments. These dharma lectures can be viewed online by visiting our Than Hsiang Audio Visual section of our website.
A day before the Maha Sanghikadana, a chanting session by sangha members of the Mahayana tradition, led by Ven. Boon Keng, was held at 7.30pm on the 5th floor of Wisma Than Hsiang. After the dharma lecture by Ven. Boon Keng, a Pali chanting session was performed by sangha members of the Theravada Tradition.. Ven. Dr. Chow Kun Phra Raj Siddhikun led the chanting session. The seesion ended with the transference of merits.
On 27th July, the day began with a Pindapatta at 7.00am at the Great Compassion Hall of Than Hsiang Temple. Sangha members were invited to the Main Shrine Hall, located on the 6th floor, for the annual general meeting of the M.B.S.A. During this time, the devotees proceeded to the Multipurpose Hall located at the 5th floor of Wisma Than Hsiang, and waited patiently for the arrival of the sangha members.
At about 10.00am, the Maha Sanghikadana began with the Than Hsiang Choir Group leading the audience in a song ‘Praising the Sangha’ to herald the arrival of the sangha members. Once all the sangha members were seated, Ven. Dr. Chow Kun Phra Raj Siddhikun, who is also the vice president of the M.B.S.A. led the observance of the Panca Sila. This was followed by the welcoming speech by Bro. Saw Kok Oon, chairman of the working committee of the M.B.S.A Maha Sanghikadana.
The main patron and distinguished guests were then invited to the stage to participate in the offering of lights. Among the patrons and guests were Mr. Ong Kong Leong, Mr. Lim Tong Seng (representative), Mr. Yeoh (De Ming), Mr. Yee Kam Meng, Mdm. Lim Guat Kee, Mr. and Mrs. Wong Meng Kee, Mr. Saw Kok Oon, Mr. Yew Cheng Keat, the Japan Consul General, the Higher Commissioner of Sri Lanka, Mr. Foo Kee Jean, Mr. Chew Kean Boon and Mr. And Mrs. Lee Chee Aun.
After the offering of lights, Mr. Cheang Chee Gooi, special assistant to Y.A.B. Tan Sri Dr. Koh Tsu Koon, Chief Minister of Penang, gave a speech. He first apologized for the absence of the Chief Minister who was at that moment tied up with an important event in the ministry, and spoke on the importance of having a Maha Sanghikadana. He stressed on the importance of a Buddhist education and how one should not be mislead by fake monks and nuns who ask for money, an issue which was voiced out earlier by Bro. Saw Kok Oon.
Sangha members of the Theravada Tradition led a chant of sutra at 11.00am, and this was followed by the chanting of verses of offering by the venerable sirs of the Mahayana Tradition. After the chanting session, the patrons and distinguished guests were invited to offer food to the venerable sirs, while volunteers and devotees also proceeded to offer food to the other various sangha members. After the sangha members had their meal, volunteers distributed requisites to them.
Ven. Chek Huang, President of the M.B.S.A and chairman of the Malaysian Buddhist Association, then gave a short dharma talk in Mandarin on the importance of filial piety and the practices of good Buddhists. In a spirit of goodwill, Ven. Wei Wu then translated his talk to English, while Phra Mahaphrasit gave a translation in Thai. Ven. Chow Kun then translated the talk to Hokkien, thus each and every one of the audience had a clear understanding of the talk given by Ven. Chek Huang. The Maha Sanghikadana ended with the transference of merits by sangha members from both the Theravada and Mahayana tradition.