Submitted by zhenliang on

Baking Soda is an amazing product almost everyone knows that keeping a box of baking soda in the refrigerator, freezer or any cupboard will keep away unpleasant odours, but do you know it has hundreds of other uses? It's cheap, non-toxic and most important of all highly effective.
To test if your baking soda is still fresh, add a tablespoon of baking soda to a quarter cup of vinegar, if the vinegar fizzes then it is still fresh.
To remove scents from a carpet, sprinkle with baking soda. Let stand for at least fifteen minutes, and then vacuum. Repeat as needed.
If there is a smoker in the house, put baking soda in the bottom of each ashtray to keep away some of the stale smoke smell, especially in the bedroom.
Baking soda in dustbins will help prevent odours.
To remove stale smells from food containers rinse with hot water and baking soda. If smell persists soak the container overnight in the baking soda solution.
Children's toys can be cleaned using 1/4 cup baking soda in 1 quart warm water. Submerge in this mixture (or wipe with a cloth dampened in it), then rinse with clear water.
To remove grease stains from your clothes or laundry add baking soda to the wash load or apply baking soda paste on the stain before washing.
To remove stubborn stains from most surfaces, use a baking soda paste (3 parts baking soda, one part water). Apply, let stand, then scrub or wipe clean. To clean surfaces, sprinkle baking soda on a damp cloth and wipe then rinse with clean water.
To clean silver, use baking soda paste made form 3 parts baking soda to one part water. Rub paste on items then rinse with warm water and dry with a soft cloth.
Hairbrushes and combs can be cleaned in a baking soda solution.
To help avoid clogged drains or sink pipes, pour 1/4 cup baking soda down the pipe weekly. Rinse thoroughly with hot water.
Baking soda can put out fires caused by grease or oil – just sprinkle baking soda on the fire.
To remove scuff marks or grease spills from the floor, sprinkle baking soda and then wipe with a warm, damp cloth.
For burnt-on food at the bottom of pots, sprinkle baking soda then add hot water and soak overnight. The burnt food will come loose easily.
Hope that these tips will help make your cleaning experiences more pleasant and as it will prevent coughing, choking and other allergy-like symptoms when you use chemicals or other cleaning detergents.