Submitted by zhenliang on

Fruit and vegetable juices are good for our body system. They cleanse, energize and regenerate the human system. Therefore it is good to add fresh juices to our daily diet. This will ensure that we get the enzymes, vitamins and minerals needed to keep us healthy. Many have experienced healing and rejuvenating effects after going on juice fasting.
When we go on a juice fast, we do not take anything else other fresh fruits and vegetable juices for the whole day or a short period of time usually two or three days. The juices provide us with easily-absorbed nutrients.
Fruit fasting also helps in the removal of toxins and fatty tissues however it is important to remember not to over indulge as too much of a good thing mare prove to be harmful instead.
Lemon-Lime Ginger Ale
1 apple cored and sliced
2 cm fresh ginger (less if you find the taste too strong)
handful of grapes remove from the stem
1/4 lemon sliced
1/2 lime sliced
water plain or mineral water
Juice the apple and ginger together, then juice the rest of the fruits. Pour the juice in a large glass then fill to the top with water and serve with ice.
Tropical Fruit Juice
1/2 mango peeled and sliced
1 orange peeled and sectioned
1 kiwis peeled
water plain or mineral water
Process the fruits in a juicer. Pour the juice in a large glass then add cold water and serve with ice.