Submitted by zhenliang on

The Than Hsiang Mitra Welfare Centre organized a group of Chinese physicians to give free consultations and held a medical exhibition at SRJK Li Ze Chinese School II, situated at Mc. Callum Street, ("Goh Teow Loh” in Chinese, literally translated as “Fifth Street") on April 17th from 9.30 in the morning to 12.30 noon.
This location was chosen because it is at the centre of a large Chinese community. Members of this community consisting of hawkers and wage earners live around the Komtar area.
The aim of holding this activity is to upgrade the sense of health consciousness among members of the surrounding community. The date and time was fixed after careful consideration of the life style of the intended audience or target group.
The response was good, and those attended :
1. got some good medical advice.
2. were well informed about their health from the experienced Chinese physicians and advice on health and medicine.
3. were able to avoid the problem of having to spend much money on expensive health problems.
4. were able to communicated with the experienced Chinese physicians and volunteers but were given help with whatever health problems they have.
5. were be able to get the confidence and support for whatever questions they had concerning their health.
6. were able to have the opportunity to see an exhibition on the modern and traditional health treatments, preventions of health problems and other useful health information.
During the exhibition, a video presentation introducing Than Hsiang Temple and its welfare, educational and religious activities was screened. The exhibition touched on topics such as house treatment for mild fever, the types and use of vitamins and the correct methods of brewing Chinese herbal medicine.
Three Chinese Physicians and several volunteers were invited by the Than Hsiang Metta Clinic to provide the required services there. The Chinese Physicians who came forward to extend their services were Physician Zhou Qian He, Physician Chen Jin Sheng, and Physician Lan Rong Guang.
The patients mostly wanted second opinions on health management and treatments of typical health problems. Others were concerned with ways and methods of keeping fit and maintaining good health. Fortunately there were enough physicians and many experienced volunteers at hand to help out in giving further personal explanations, making the morning not only special but, successful and meaningful.