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Once again, young and old devotees came from all over Malaysia to participate in Than Hsiang Temple's Seven Day Amitabha Recitation Retreat (Fo Qi). Some even came a day earlier to have a taste of monastery life in Than Hsiang Temple; such is the enthusiasm of these devotees for this annual event in Than Hsiang.
Last year, an overwhelming 270 participants took part in the Seven Day Amitabha Recitation Retreat. This year, it was decided to cap this number to 200 and below as 270 preceptors was a bit much for the temple facilities and workforce to cope with. As it turned out, there were only 167 participants for this year's Fo Qi and the event smoothly went on with much calm and serenity as it should be.
Probably due to this conducive ambience, the preceptors appeared to be more disciplined and serious in their practice. There was certainly a dignified air of serious contemplation and keeping of noble silence even during the in-between session breaks. This augured well for the preceptors and their state of practice.
In the evenings, Venerable Wei Wu, the Abbot of Than Hsiang gave a series of Dharma talks in which he imparted the following messages:
One should reflect on the reality of this life and not spend the whole life busily pursuing material things only to regret when we get old. It is important to realise that life continues from past to present to future and this should motivate one to change spiritually for a better future life.
In coming for the retreat, one should let go of all the worldly cares and cultivate the body, speech and mind by observing fully the Eight Precepts (for the body and speech) and recollection of the Buddha (to cultivate the mind).
Human life, especially one that is with access to the teachings of the Buddha, is precious and we should not waste time but strive in practicing the Dharma immediately. This is akin to a person's head being on fire and that person has to put out the fire instantly, without a moment to lose. Thinking of the inevitability of death, one must practice the Dharma NOW.
Three levels of spiritual cultivation in Pure Lsnd tradition:
Taking refuge in the Triple Gem, eradicate the unwholesome and practice wholesome deeds; understanding the law of karma, relationship between cause and effect
Reflecting on the unsatisfactoriness and suffering in Samsara, and contemplating on the origin of suffering (such as desire, anger, pride, ignorance, doubt, wrong views), one needs to develope Renunciation and Vow for rebirth in the Pure Land
Training oneself to generate Bodhicitta, and make a Vow for return to the Saha world to help all sentient beings after attaining liberation oneself.
In the Buddha-name recitation, one developes Deep Faith (in Amitabha Buddha and the Pure Land ); Sincere Vow (for rebirth in Sukhavati and return to this world to help sentient beings after attaining liberation oneself); and Wonderful Practice (in Buddha-name recitation).
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Sila (Precept) is the root of Buddhahood,
Let us devote ourselves to holding of pure Sila