Submitted by zhenliang on

Than Hsiang Temple organised its third Mani Mantra recitation assembly on the 12 th of December this year coinciding with the 1st day of the 11 th lunar month. As usual the auspicious day witnessed a continuous flow of devotee entering the shrine hall. By 10 am. Participants registered for stay in 8 days recitation started gathering at ground floor reception counter for checking in.
At 10.30am the cleansing ceremony began .Led by the temple abbot, Ven. Wei Wu, together with about 70 sponsors, cleansed the Lamp-lighting and Penitent altar and performed the meal offering ceremony. The ceremony ended with the transfer of merits for all sentient beings and the departed.
In the brief teaching given after the ceremony, Ven. Wei Wu stressed the importance of being mindful whether one is reciting the name of Amitaba or the mani mantra of Om Mani Padme Hum. Equally important is the cultivation of Bodhicitta to inculcate the spirit of loving kindness and compassion and the renunciation of greed, anger and delusion.
His Eminence Thritsab Gyabra Rinpoche leads this year's assembly, as H.E. Drubwang Rinpoche who had been with us for the past two years is not well.
Rapsang Rinpoche, Khenpo Tamphel, Sherab Lama and Tsultrim Lama accompany H.E. Thritsab Rinpoche. The purpose of setting –up the penitent and lamp-lighting altar in conjunction with the Mani mantra recitation assembly is to benefit all sentient beings, the departed and karmic debtors by transferring merits to them when reciting the mantra. All devotees were served with lunch.
The 1 st day Mani chanting started at 2.30 pm. H.E. led the participants in paying homage to the Buddha, explained the meaning of the Six-Syllable Mantra “Om Mani Padme Hum”, and then began the recitation soon after that.
The Mani mantra recitation will continue for 8 days till 2.30 pm, 19 Dec. This will then be followed by the three session Pure land Chanting on the evening of 19 Dec, led by Zhen Ming Shi, to transfer merits to all sentient beings as well as departed relatives, friends and karmic creditors.