Submitted by Ah Jin on

The La Pa festival originated in the ancient agro-based society of China, The month of December designated for its celebration was not fixed then. Traditionally, the festival was meant to appease the deities concerned for granting a good harvest for the year. It gradually developed into a ritual for praying for safety and to ward off evil spirits and calamities.
Chinese Buddhism fixed the 8th day the 12th lunar month as the day for the commemoration of his enlightenment. As the day coincides with the La Pa festival, the connection with Buddhism is thus established. Thus, La Pa gruel cooked on the day is also known as Buddhist gruel.
In commemoration of the auspicious day, an investiture ceremony for the induction of ten moral precepts and conferment of lay sangha was held at the main shrine hall on the6th floor on the 12th of December followed by. , a ceremony on the actual day ie: 15/1/08 (the 8th day of 12th moon of lunar calendar). Besides chanting the sutra,Than Hsiang canteen also prepared the Lapa gruel for lunch. Some of the staff and volunteers also brought their home cooked lapa gruel to share and celebrate with Shifu After lunch, Ven Wei Wu took the opportunityto explain the origin and meaning of Lapa festival.. According to him Chinese Buddhsit traditon , La Pa day is fixed as the day of Buddha’s enlightenment day. Chinese Buddhist designated three different dates for Buddha’s birth , enlightenmentand decease(mahaparinirvana). The day of his birth, enlightenment and mahaparinirvana falls on the 8th of April, December, and January of Lunar calendar respectively.