Submitted by zhenliang on

Two major disasters struck in May this year bringing untold sufferings to millions of people. On 2 May 2008 tropical cyclone Nargis hit the coast of Myanmar and devastated a large part of the low Irrawady delta. Homes were flattened, trees uprooted and power-lines downed. Up to 90 % of homes in rural areas wiped off the surface of the earth. Such a calamity the country has never faced before, the scale of needs is clearly massive. Casualty figures continued to rise and estimated to exceed 23000. Initial estimate put more than 2 millions people have become homeless or been severely affected. The survivors of cyclone are in urgent need of medical care, clean water, shelters and food.
The death toll of the Sichuan quake in China has risen to 69,000 and an additional 20,000 remain missing following the 7.9 magnitude quake. Millions of people in the Sichuan Province were homeless in the aftermath of the country’s worst natural disaster in 30 years. Sichuan province is located in Southwest China and is a densely populated region of more than 85 million residents. The sufferings worsen by more than 4,000 aftershocks throughout the already devastated areas. The aftermath of the quake also caused the water levels of many high altitude lakes to rise with the impending risk of overflowing their banks and inundating the low-lying towns nearby.
Although aids are pouring in to the affected areas, but not really enough to address the massive crisis. We, therefore, appeal to all in a race against time to do what little we can to help. Than Hsiang Temple organized a two- week charity sale from 8 May to 15f May in its canteen to raise funds for the two disasters. Than Hsiang members, during their weekly cultivation gathering, also make it a point to transfer merits to the victims of the regions. Donate now and be a part of the world caring community for life saving and rehabilitation assistance to men, women and children.