Submitted by Ah Jin on

Than Hsiang temple will be launching its annual charity sales of Vegetarian moon cakes from the 1st day of the Lunar seventh moon (1st August 2008) in aid of fund raising for the International Buddhist college foundation and at the same time to promote the practice of giving vegetarian moon cakes as gifts during the mid-autumn moon cake festival.
The Than Hsiang moon cakes will be market in two varieties of flavors, the lotus seed and the white coffee varieties. Both types are without preservatives and with low sugar content, suitable for both old and young. Each box of two-moon cakes is priced at RM 20.00 and the Kong Chai Peng at RM 10.00 per pack.
The custom of eating moon cakes dated back thousand of years. Moon cakes symbolize the reunion of families and couples. The exchanging of gifts during the mid- autumn festival is a hospitable gesture and children give moon cakes to their elders to show their filial piety and respect.
Than Hsiang Temple is promoting vegetarian moon cakes in line with the Buddha’s teaching of compassion. We are giving a 20% discount to all bookingsby Buddhist organizations and we sincerely look forward to your support.
The IBC is located in the Klong Ngae district of Southern Thailand, about 36 km from the Malaysian boarder town of Bukit Kayu Hitam. The journey takes only three hours by road from Penang.
The BA course started in October 2004 and currently the post- graduate course is in progress. We intend to start the PhD soon. We have students, both lay and ordained, from various part of the world, including Bangladesh, Kamboja, China, Malaysia, Nepal, South Korea, Sri Lanka and Thailand. Most of the students are sponsored by the college’s scholarship program.
Education being a long- term investment needs a sustained effort for its continued growth and development. We, therefore, would like to appeal to your continuous support for the propagation and propagators of Buddhism, which encompass the theories and practices of three traditions of Mahayana, Theravada and Vajrayana.
We are pleased to inform that the convocation for the first batch of graduates will be held on 20th of August 2008 in IBC. We humbly and sincerely invite you to contact us to attend the ceremony to share and witness the joy of the graduate receiving their scroll in IBC
For ordering of moon cake
Please call:
04-6414822(Ms Tan), EXT 2020