The Buddhist Article Shop is located at the Hall of Great Compassion (Da Bei Dian). It also offers online shopping:
The main aim of the Buddhist Article Shop is to provide a convenient avenue for devotees to easily obtain a wide variety of Buddhist items.
Buddhist items on sale at the Buddhist Article Shop include:
Statutes of Lord Buddha and Guan Yin Bodhisattva
Prayer beads
Fragrant incenses, joss-sticks and incense burners
Variety of candles
Vessels/cups for holding water
Dharma books, magazines, bookmarks, and book stands
Hai Ching and bag
Bhikshu's and bhikshuni's robes and shoes
Urns for San Sheng Dian (Columbarium)
Than Hsiang Temple T-shirts
Necklaces, bracelets, key-chains
The Buddhist Article Shop is opened daily from 8.00am to 5.00pm.