Submitted by zhenliang on

On the morning of 24 September, the sun was shining. The air was filled with the freshness of a new day. It was a special day and early in the morning, Than Hsiang Sunday School members were all happily gathered at the Da Bei Dian. At 9:20am, all of us went up to the Multi Purpose Hall in Level 5 of Than Hsiang Temple. Inside the hall, we found beautiful traditional lanterns hung everywhere and the stage was decorated with colourful musical notes.
First, the Master of Ceremonies, Kai Li and Wei Jin lead everybody in singing the Triple Gems song. After that, six lower primary school children of Standards 1 and 2, went up the stage to show their singing talents by taking turns in singing a song each. After this, it was the turn for the middle primary school children of Standards 3 and 4 to sing their songs. All these wonderful and pleasant Buddhist Hymns, sung by the children, brought back our childhood memories.
The performance of the group singing was best. This group consisted of the Sunday School members, Ai Xin brothers and sisters, Ai Xin fathers and mothers. Their songs made us enjoy the moment and it was a good way to relieve our stress. When they had finished, refreshments, prepared by Ai Xin fathers and mothers, were served. We really enjoyed the food and appreciated the Ai Xin fathers' and mothers' contributions.
After that, led by the Games Group, we all had a chance to sing and dance. We sang “Qing Chun You Miao” and “Yue Liang Yuan”. We also learned to do the sign language. Later, Ai Xin brothers and sisters of the Games Group presented a song named “Guan Huai Fang Shi”. They taught us a simple but nice song named “Ai Xin Shu”. We quite enjoyed all these activities.
Then, Venerable Zhen Xin gave us her loving advice. She said she felt very glad to see the growth of the Sunday School and commended the Ai Xin Committee for making this event a success. Venerable Zhen Xin gave presents to every participant as an encouragement to them.
With that the Sunday School Buddhist Hymns came to an end. Thank you Venerable Zhen Xin. Thanks too to every Ai Xin family member! All your support had made this event successful. Hope we might organise this event at another time! See you next time then!