Submitted by zhenliang on

Mr. Yeoh Poh Khim with his family members and staff visited Wan Ching Yuen Centre and made a generous donation on the fourth day of the New Year. The group also sponsored the afternoon tea and distributed ang-pows. Residents, staff and members of the group enjoyed themselves as they presented songs and sang along together.
The senior citizens of Wan Ching Yuen Centre were ever ready for such an event. This event is like a light that brightens they routine life. To them it is not just another party, it is more meaningful to them, it is a chance to socialise, to feel young and to enjoy. Many volunteered without hesitation to step forward to sing and dance, something many of us would need a lot of coxing before we will venture up to the microphone to give a performance.
Mr Tay Hiang Chong supported by Madam Lee Phiak Mai were one of the first at the microphone with their rendition of a Chinese folk song. Another senior, Madam Lim Guat Choo sang an English song from her sitting position as she was not able to come to the center of the hall. Then there was Mr Yeoh Oon Chye with his soothing harmonica entertained the audience with a few musical pieces. It is a joy to see all the others clapping their hands and tapping their feet in time to the music and songs.
It is because of such wonderful thought of sharing and metta (loving kindness) of Mr. Yeoh Poh Khim with his family members and staff that had made this day, a day for the senior citizens to remember and cherish. The friendly atmosphere of this simple party but meaningful party brought joy, happiness and warm to the senior citizens of Wan Ching Yuen Centre.