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The Home is managed by qualified staff nurses, workers and volunteers. Facilities include:
• Ten 3-bedded rooms, each with attached bathroom. Each person is provided a bed and a cupboard cum locker with fortnightly laundry of bed sheets (if not dirtied earlier) and pillow cases. Personal clothes are washed daily.
• Infirmary (18 beds)
• Dormitory (12 beds)
• Day care (6 beds)
• Physiotherapy Room, where the senior residents are given physiotherapy and do their daily exercises to maintain their body strength and flexibility.
• Treatment Room for treatment of minor illnesses
• Counselling Room
• TV Room where the senior residents enjoy watching the daily soap operas.
• Prayer Halls, at Level 2 and Level 3, provide the senior residents a serene and calm environment for their prayers and daily chanting sessions.
• Tender Care (Hospice) Room where the dying resident can depart peacefully amid family and care-givers and with recitation of the Amitabha Buddha name, if of Buddhist faith.
Supportive services are also provided and these include:
• Free medical services (if consultation is with attending doctors of Metta Mobile Clinic)
• Transport services (for attending events, functions, outings)
• Dietary services (for optimum nutrition of the residents)