观音诞庆典与花车游行 24-31/07/2010

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日期 Date 时间 Time
活动 Activities
24.7.10 Sat 8.00pm Guan Yin & Heart Sutra
by Dr. Lye Hun Yeow
25.7.10 Sun 2.30pm 观音与汉传佛教
8.00pm 传授三归五戒
Taking Refuge & Five Precepts
26.7.10 Mon 8.00pm Guan Yin & Chinese Buddism
by Prof. Yu Chun-fang
27.7.10 Tue 8.00pm 观音问答
Guan Yin Q&A
29.7.10 Thu 8.00pm Living the Six Syllable Mantra
by Dr. Lye Hun Yeow
30.7.2010 Fri 10.45am 佛前大供
Noon Offering
7.30pm 观世音菩萨花车洒净仪式
Guan Yin Float Cleansing Ceremony
8.00pm 大悲忏法会
Great Compassion
31.07.2010 5.30pm 观世音菩萨纯金纪念章推展礼
launching of Guan Yin Medallion
Guan Yin Celebration Float Procession