Submitted by Ah Jin on
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日期 Date | 时间 Time |
活动 Activities
24.7.10 Sat | 8.00pm | Guan Yin & Heart Sutra by Dr. Lye Hun Yeow |
25.7.10 Sun | 2.30pm | 观音与汉传佛教 于君方教授主讲 |
8.00pm | 传授三归五戒 Taking Refuge & Five Precepts |
26.7.10 Mon | 8.00pm | Guan Yin & Chinese Buddism by Prof. Yu Chun-fang |
27.7.10 Tue | 8.00pm | 观音问答 Guan Yin Q&A |
29.7.10 Thu | 8.00pm | Living the Six Syllable Mantra by Dr. Lye Hun Yeow |
30.7.2010 Fri | 10.45am | 佛前大供 Noon Offering |
7.30pm | 观世音菩萨花车洒净仪式 Guan Yin Float Cleansing Ceremony |
8.00pm | 大悲忏法会 Great Compassion |
31.07.2010 | 5.30pm | 观世音菩萨纯金纪念章推展礼 launching of Guan Yin Medallion |
观世音菩萨花车游行 Guan Yin Celebration Float Procession |