三圣殿常见问答 SSD FAQ

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i. 只允许做一次的改变,但只限于更改位置 或转换受益人;
ii. 恕不退回认购款项,若已安奉骨灰,则骨灰龛位置不能更换;。
iii. 赞助人需亲临秘书处出示正式收据,以及填写及具签通知书。

i. 请预先通知秘书处往生者的进龛日期
ii. 往生者骨瓮入龛日期,通常是在往生后的第七天 。
iii. 届时请出示认购龛位的正式收据 ,及死亡证明书复本。
iv. 需向本寺购买骨灰瓮 (必须用本寺特定的骨灰龛)。

3。请问入龛仪式是如何进行的? 入龛以后的祭拜如何?
i. 檀香寺法师于每天上午十时主持诵经仪式,地点在底楼大愿殿。
ii. 您可向本寺食堂购买饭菜及LED电子灯, 香则由本寺供应。
iii. 本寺邀请家属参加每49天所举办的《弥陀普佛》诵经仪式。
iv. 本寺将于每年的农历三月(清明节)及七月(盂兰节)举办超渡法会。家属可在一个月前,亲临檀香寺秘书处,为往生者报名超渡。

i. 龛内只允许摆放念珠及陀罗尼被;
ii. 进行入龛仪式后,骨灰龛将不会被打开


1. Can I make any alteration after purchasing a niche?
i.Only ONE alteration is allowed for an unused niche;
ii.Please bring along the original receipt and sign an acknowledgment letter for change of location or ownership。

2. How do I arrange for use of the niche?
i.Please inform the secretariat the date for placement of ash urn which is normally carried out on the 7th day after death.
ii.Present the original receipt and death certificate copy
iii.Purchase an ash urn from our temple (an outside urn is not allowed);

3. How is the ritual for placement of the ash urn ?
i.The chanting session is carried out every morning at 10 a.m. at the ground floor Da Yuan Dian / Prayer Hall;.
ii.You may buy prayer dishes and LED candle at our temple;
iii. The families members are invited to join the prayers which is conducted every 49 days .
iv.Our temple also conducts penitent services on the 3rd and 7th Lunar months. Registration will be opened ONE month before the services.

4. What items are allowed to be placed in the niche?
Only Rosary and “Cloth with inscribed sutra” only are allowed. The niche will NOT be opened after its placement.

5. Can I transfer an ash urn from another location to Than Hsiang Temple?
This is NOT encouraged. Let the deceased rest in peace.